Monday, March 4, 2013

Through a Child's Eyes - Augmented Experience Design

I am taking a Virtual Environments class this Spring, and this post describes an experience that I created for the same. The experience was created using the Argon AR browser.

Description Pitch
I invite you to see the world through the eyes of a child, sharing his/her bewilderment and fantasy in what seems to be a drab world to us adults. In this environment, I augment the
drawing drawn by a kid to conjure up the world that the kid dreamt of when he put paint to canvas. A surreal-peaceful place indeed. The augmentation places a synthetic house over the drawing and The markers control the natural forces of sun and snow, use them to see how the kid imagines herself building snowmen as she eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival in this painting that she draws. Also see how the day passes by in her imagnination, the shadows lengthening and then shortening again.
Also, as I present a widescreen experience, and the drawing of a house is best looked at while vertically presented, I’ve decided to leave in an Easter egg, that only comes into play when you see the house is placed vertical and the device is in landscape view.
I think the pitch should give you a good enough idea of what the experience is about :).  Some links:
  1. URL :
  2. Tracking Markers
  3. Assignment blog link
Here is a video of the final experience:

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