Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Almost Hamiltonian Traversal and Vine Growh

This is the final project that I'd made for my Computer Graphics class (team of 2). Using the RINGEXPANDER algorithm from LR: Compact Connectivity representation for triangle meshes (, we performed an almost Hamiltonian traversal of a mesh, and from the triangles visited, drew an animated growing vine.

Friday, October 26, 2012

3D Sculpting using spheres as voxels

I recently worked on a team of two to create a rudimentary 3D mesh generation/sculpting program using a "sphere sprayer". The user is presented with a spray can which can spray spheres. Starting with a seed sphere, its up to the user to create interested shapes. The resulting shape is then converted intuitively to a triangle mesh, for efficient rendering.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2D triangulations and mesh subdivisions

The triangulation problem is one that crops up pretty frequently in Computer Graphics. Given a set of points, a triangulation of the discrete point set is obtained by decomposing the point-set into a triangle mesh.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Of Apollonius and Minimum Packing Circles

Posting something that I've been working on as a part of my curriculum. The problem was related to having the AI find out the minimum packing circle for a group of differently sized circular discs, and also calculating the minimum bounding circle for a given configuration of discs.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Space Pong

This is a game that I created when I was in college as an undergraduate. Now that I'm back in student life again, and will be looking for a job soon, I thought it'd be good to put up this and similar work online as a brief portfolio, if you will.