Monday, March 25, 2013

A blast from the past - unfinished 2D Side Scroller

Looking through my old projects, I came across this unfinished work, that I'd tried to create - a 2D side-scroller that aimed to support sprite-sheet based animations, a tile-based engine and parallax scrolling.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Through a Child's Eyes - Augmented Experience Design

I am taking a Virtual Environments class this Spring, and this post describes an experience that I created for the same. The experience was created using the Argon AR browser.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gray-Scott Reaction Diffusion

Reaction diffusion systems have been explorer by researchers for the formation of interesting patterns, and thus used for procedural texture synthesis. A wonderful paper by my Professor, Greg Turk explores this topic. This very interesting field was also an assignment topic in our class on the Simulation of Biological Systems.